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Primary School

Since the beginning of the academic year 2013/14 Loyola-Gymnasium, which starts with grade VI, also runs a Loyola-Fillore - Elementary School. With the establishment of an elementary school one responded to repeatedly stated wishes of parents. In three parallel classes of usually 26 children, the lessons are in the morning from Monday thru Friday  from 8:00 to 12:25 except Thursday to 13:15. This schedule is guided by the curriculum for elementary schools of the country as issued by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

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Greeting from the Director

Dear friends, dear readers, welcome!

I have the special pleasure and privilege to invite you to read and get to know us closely. We are Loyola Primary School, located in the heart of Prizren the old and historical city of Kosovo.

Loyola Primary School is the school for all Kosovar children, without racial, religious, national and social differences. Our school is attended by children from the municipality of Prizren, Suhareka and Gjakova; children with all kinds of economic backgrounds, urban and rural children, highly intelligent and gifted children, hyperactive and introverted children. Each child takes a special place among the others and makes the school more beautiful, more dynamic and more inspiring.

Our primary mission is that every student comes to school willingly. They don't see and feel the school as an environment of fear, where they only have to learn, where there are tasks and reports, order and discipline, but also as an environment of socialization and fun.

We are living in the age of technological boom. Young generations are very skilled in technology; they have a lot of information in different fields and they are very advanced in the knowledge of foreign languages, especially English language. Sometimes we ask: Why do we need school nowadays? One may think that it is no longer worth going to school. There is a lot to say... For a very long time, school and teachers have been the symbol and the only source of knowledge. Today, we are experiencing a different situation. Everything has changed. Now, the school or the teachers aren’t the only source of knowledge anymore. Let's go back to the question Why do we need school? I can say with full confidence that nothing replaces the school and the teacher. The roles have changed, but not the value.

In our school, we are trying to promote and guide each child’s knowledge and talent so that we can guide them for their own development. Our goal is to nurture human and social values ​​in everyone, respect for each other, tolerance, kindness and collective responsibility.

Loyola Primary School is the place where each child finds himself and where he feels important. Here, our students have the opportunity to show and develop their personality, knowledge, talent. Our school is the place where they make friends for play and work, the place that develops dreams and helps them believe that everything can come true.


Sr.Lindita Spaqi

About us!

Loyola Primary School is part of the "Loyola-Gymnasium" Association, opened in 2013.

The Primary School offers a suitable and stimulating learning environment with: classrooms, a technology room, a science lab, a music room, a library, a sports hall, an administration office for contact with parents and partners, a teachers’ room, a room for meetings with parents, a canteen, etc.

Loyola Primary School is attended by 386 students, with 15 classrooms from grades 1-5.

32 people work in the Primary School, among them 26 are pedagogical staff and 6 technical staff members.

Loyola Primary School organizes subject learning according to the Kosovo Curriculum. Arts, music and foreign languages ​​are a priority in our school.

The number of music lessons and foreign languages ​​is greater than the Kosovo Curriculum foresees.

Regular classes are held from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm, from Monday to Friday. On Thursdays, there is an extra class and it aims to develop children’s empathy.

The school offers After-School Care as well. Until 4:00 p.m., the students have the opportunity to do their homework and eat lunch.

Loyola Primary School also offers music classes for the students.


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